Please select the service you are interested in booking and an available time that suits your schedule.


Bike Maintenance & Repair

Basic Tune Up - $75

This package covers the time it takes to inspect and tune bikes ridden 1 time per week or less annually.

Premium Tune Up - $150

This package covers the time it takes to inspect and tune bicycles that are ridden regularly each year.

Pro Tune Up - $300

This package covers the time to fully disassemble and reassemble most bikes. Including bleeding hydraulic brakes and basic suspension service.

Service à la carte - $10 and up

Sometimes a bike needs just a small adjustment or tweak.

Bicycle Pickup and Delivery - $15-$50

Pricing is determined by location. We will travel to anywhere in Westchester county. Please contact us for NYC and other longer distance requests.

Bike Fit Services

Standard Fit - 1 hour

Includes a functional mobility screen off the bike and an on-the-bike assessment. If needed, adjustments will be made to cleats, saddle height, saddle fore-aft and handlebar position. The Standard Fit can provide a perfectly functional fitting for many athletes.

Pro Fit - 2 hours

Includes the same assessment and services as the Standard Fit but allows extra time for a more refined fit. The Pro fit is great for athletes with history of injuries or other health or athletic limitations.

Stationary Bike Fit - 1 hour

We will come to your home and provide all the fit services included with our regular bike fittings on your stationary bike to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Training Plan Consultation - 30 minutes (in-person or virtual)

Training plans are all 100% custom to each athlete. If you are interested we always start with a 30 minute conversation to discuss your goals and what we can do to help you achieve them.