Upcoming events.
Maintenance Class - Derailleurs
Stop by for this hour long class with a focus on how derailleurs of all kinds work. Feel free to bring your bike if you have specific questions.
OCA Ride
Come on out and ride north on the Old Croton Aqueduct to the Croton Dam and back again. People who know their way and want to ride faster are welcome to go ahead. There will always be someone to stay with the back of the group to make sure no one gets lost or misses a turn. We will regroup at the dam and then head back. Meet at the shop at 9:00am and please be sure to come with a bike that is in good working order and can handle the terrain. No one likes stopping for mechanical issues!
Tuesday Night TTL
Come out for a spirited mountain bike ride with some fast folks. Get to know the trails before the much anticipated Tuesday Night Short Track series.
Maintenance Class
Join us for a 1 hour class where you will learn the basics of tuning your bike and keeping it running smoothly.
Cyclocross Practice
Join us at Croton Point Park for an evening of drills and workouts focused on improving your CX racing skills.
Tuesday Night Short Track
Come out to practice your mountain bike skills on a short course that is marked off. All skill levels are welcome. We meet at the park & ride on Neperan Rd near the Saw Mill.
Croton Cross Practice
Cross is coming! Come out to Croton Point Park to hone your skills or learn the basics about this weird niche form of cycling.
Maintenance Class
Stop by the shop to learn the basics of tuning and maintaining your bike. Travis will go through the process he uses for a basic tune up and answer questions on all things related to bike maintenance.
Tuesday Night Short Track
Come out to practice your mountain bike skills on a short course that is marked off. All skill levels are welcome. We meet at the park & ride on Neperan Rd near the Saw Mill.
Maintenance Class
Stop by the shop to learn the basics of tuning and maintaining your bike. Travis will go through the process he uses for a basic tune up and answer questions on all things related to bike maintenance.
Tuesday Night Short Track
Come out to practice your mountain bike skills on a short course that is marked off. All skill levels are welcome. We meet at the park & ride on Neperan Rd near the Saw Mill.
Tuesday Night Short Track
Come out to practice your mountain bike skills on a short course that is marked off. All skill levels are welcome. We meet at the park & ride on Neperan Rd near the Saw Mill.